So....do you want to join?
You must attend 3 monthly meetings in 5 months. The meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of the month at Glory Days restaurant near Potomac Mills at 7:30 PM. Annual dues are $15 and you must be voted in by the attending membership after fulfilling the above. It is also recommended that you attend as many club functions as possible prior to being voting on.
If you have any questions please contact Steve Shifflett at 703-971-8455 or
click this text to send an email message.
The Prince William Cruisers car club was formed in 1993 as a 501(c), non-profit corporation to serve the local community and the local car culture. We are a family orientated group that promotes an interest in various forms of automotive activities to include parades, vehicle shows, vehicle cruises, vehicle displays. We do that while fostering good sportsmanship, fellowship, a sense of community service and an active pursuit of fun. The enjoyment of our hobby is the glue that bonds us together. Our commitment to serve others is the motivation that drives us to support local charities, schools and retirement homes. We participate in events that support these groups while we raise awareness for them. Some of the groups we directly support are on the connections page. We also partner with other local car clubs to support charities like the
Toys for the Sheriff at Christmas time.